Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


A panel of three judges chose the sole winner of the inaugural Kelliher Art Competition from the 201 entries for the best oil painting by a New Zealand artist to paint "the visible aspects of New Zealand's landscape and coastal scenes in a realistic and traditional way". The £500 prize is the equivalent of around $25,000 today. Sir Henry Kelliher presented the painting, Summer in the Mokauiti Valley by Leonard Mitchel [No 00] to the National Art Gallery (now the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa), as he did for the subsequent three first prize winners.

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


Subjects "may include panoramic views of cities or towns. Though not essential, most landscapes and coastal scenes are enhanced by judicious inclusion of "incident" - some representation of life and movement which will add vitality to the painting". First, second and third prizes were awarded, continuing until 1971.

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


Subjects "may include panoramic views of cities or towns. Though not essential, most landscapes and coastal scenes are enhanced by judicious inclusion of "incident" - some representation of life and movement which will add vitality to the painting". First, second and third prizes were awarded, continuing until 1971.

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


Entrants were encouraged to depict "the normal activities associated with life in New Zealand".

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


Subject matter was widened "to depict landscapes or coastal scenes, agricultural or pastoral scenes, and if possible should include the representation of such activities as would normally be associated with the scene chosen".

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


On the opening night Sir Henry announced that he had established and funded a charitable trust to administer the Competition to ensure its continuation. A Special Prize of £100 was introduced to be awarded for the best entrant under 21, won by David Barker [No.00].

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


This was the last Competition administered by the New Zealand Fellowship of Artists and the Kelliher Art Trust now assumed control.

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


Due to the lack of venue the Competition was not held.

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


The objective of the Competition was restated “To encourage artists to paint faithfully the beauty and the essential character of the New Zealand scene and thereby develop a livelier appreciation both of the fine arts and the infinitely varied aspects of our land”. Acceptable subject matter was also redefined: Competitors should submit characteristic.

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


The Special Prize was dropped due to lack of interest from young artists. 14 paintings from the award, together with 10 by Competition judges joined 20 previous awarded winners in the United Kingdom to form a travelling exhibition "The New Zealand Landscape".

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


The range of subject matter was further widened: "to paint the beauty and essential character of the New Zealand scene and the ways of life of its people in a naturalistic manner…"

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


A portrait prize of £500 was introduced and the stated objective of the Competition expanded by the addition of: "and thereby develop a livelier public appreciation, both of the fine arts and of the infinitely varied aspects of our land".

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


A figure study category was added: "Each portrait shall be of a New Zealand citizen and each figure study should depict the activity of a New Zealand citizen, or citizens, in their normal daily pursuits in work, sport, or form of relaxation".

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


The name of the Competition was changed to the Kelliher Art Awards and five equal Awards of $750 were offered.

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


The Award was not offered.

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


The last Kelliher was held at Massey University, Palmerston North.

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Sonja Corbett Sonja Corbett


The Kelliher Art Trust board formally announced the conclusion of the Competition: “That the project has been highly successful is beyond doubt. As a result of successive competitions and exhibitions in various New Zealand centres [and] because the Kelliher Art Competition has fulfilled its purpose so well, the climate in which the original Competition flourished no longer exists. There are scores of skilled painters prospering and supported by an appreciative public”.

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